What to do in isolation?
All of us are aware that we are going through a challenging time in our history. There is a lot of fear around us, people have lost loved one’s and their livelihoods. Yet in times of chaos, often many good things can come out the other side. For example, after the First World War, women got a foothold into the workforce and gained the right to vote.
Sometimes things need to change for the better. I’d be much happier if war never broke out and COVID-19 didn’t exist, but having battled the virus myself, it’s very important to put our own health and mental well being at the forefront and take care of anyone we can around us, in whatever way we can. As for good changes, some people are appreciating the flexibility of working from home and seeing their children more. For me, I have been given the gift of gaining some space and time back in my life to focus on what I love.

Here’s what it comes down to.
I love collaborating to make theatre, which is why being a member of Seemia lights me up inside. When I left my job in casting 5 years ago, I could have only dreamed that I would have my own theatre family who I work, create and grow with. I can’t say my heart hasn’t been broken by having our show at the VAULT Festival being cancelled as we went into lock down and of course, I’m scared about the state of theatre, but I know that me and my theatre family create our work through challenges. That’s what political theatre is about, uprising and speaking out even when it’s hard to have a voice and we will always find a way to get back to working together as soon as we can.
Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to perform in an ensemble for a while, I decided to keep creating in isolation and began to nurture my other skill - as a writer - and develop my second play. I decided this time was an induced writer’s retreat, so I could write the trilogy of plays I’d promised myself I would work on. I rediscovered the ways that I work best, combining my spirituality and creativity, and delved into immensely enjoyable techniques I’ve developed to channel stories, walk into the world of characters and utilise my spiritual superpower.
London College of Spirituality
For any storytellers out there who are interested in my creative practice, I will be sharing my journey and providing tools to ignite the flow state in my online talk in collaboration with the London College of Spirituality
Friday 3rd July
7pm (BST/UTC+1)
£ Pay What You Can
This will be followed up with a 3 hour workshop where will will go deeper into creative techniques and meditations to ignite your own flow state. This will also be taking place online.
Saturday 18th July
*Limited Spaces
So back to the question, what’s my advice on what to do in isolation? Keep creating if you are a creative, keep writing if you are a writer, keep doing what you love to do, as the world doesn’t get to decide what you do, YOU DO.
And keep connected. We’d love to hear what you are up to in isolation. Do feel free to drop us an email and let us know.
Photo of Cheryl Prince, courtesy of Law Ballad.